About The Club
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High Sierra Corvette Club (HSCC)
About the Club
Welcome! High Sierra Corvette Club (HSCC) was started in September 2007. Currently, we have over 80 members and are growing each month. As a Corvette club, we do many of the activities you might expect, such as multi-day road trips just for fun quick runs. We are always looking for new ideas and adventures. Realizing that the first thing we have in common is our Corvettes but having fun and building friendships run a very close second.
Meetings: Club meetings are held monthly on the third Wednesday (except in December).
The restaurant provides a meeting space. Most members arrive early (4:30/5:00ish) purchase food, and beverages and socialize before the meeting. During the meetings, club business is conducted, various committees report on their activities, a Corvette educational report, past- events are covered briefly, and upcoming events are announced.
Activities: Throughout the year, HSCC members have opportunities to participate in various activities related to Corvettes, or sometimes just to get together socialize and have fun. Activities include tours, Dash N Dines, Poker Runs, Go-Kart racing, attending and entering car shows, parades, game nights, outdoor Movie Nights, and social gatherings like our Annual Club Picnic, 4th of July Fireworks, and the December Holiday Dinner.
Membership: New membership dues are $75 per year, including name tag(s) HSCC travel bag, and one ball cap with our club logo embroidered on it. Renewal membership is $50 per year. We encourage members to wear their club name badge to all events and wear club logo shirts, hats, and outerwear as they see fit.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask our new member Liaisons, any of the Board of Directors, or club members, they will be more than happy to help.
Thank you for your interest in our great club
Steve Johnson
Rick Utermoehlen
David Franklin
Past President